School Board 2024

The role of the Board is that of involvement in the governance of the school. This means taking part in the shaping and monitoring of the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions. In addition, other functions are specified in the legislation.

To read the School Board Meeting minutes please scroll down to the links below.

The Board does not have a role in school management. This is the responsibility of the Principal and involves educational leadership and the effective day-to-day administration, supervision and control of the school and its staff.

The functions of a School Board are to:
Take part in:

• establishing and reviewing from time to time, the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions;
• the planning of financial arrangements necessary to fund those objectives, priorities and directions;
• evaluating the school’s performance in achieving them; and
• formulating codes of conduct for students at the school.

Determine, in consultation with students, their parents and staff a dress code for students when they are attending or representing the school.
Promote the school in the community.


• charges and contributions for the provision of certain materials, services and facilities;
• extra cost optional components of educational programs;
• items to be supplied by a student for personal use in an educational program;
• any agreements or arrangements for advertising or sponsorship in relation to the school.

The School Board is made up of parents, staff and general members of the community. The current school board members are:

  • Brad Heggs – Board Chair
  • Lisa Fletcher – Principal
  • Judy Snow –  staff member
  • Donna Sparke – staff member
  • Rebecca McLennan- staff member
  • Amy Stewart –  parent member
  • Fiona Watson – parent member
  • Sahera Webb – parent member
  • Lisa Whittell – parent member
  • Kylie Gardiner – parent member
  • Councillor Robert Schmidt community member

Please click on the link below to read the minutes from the latest board meeting.

Board Meeting Minutes 18.03.2024

Introducing our Board Members

Name:                                                          Brad Heggs

Membership Category:                         Parent and Board Chair

Experience:                                               Insurance, Finance and Fraud & Intelligence

Board Tenure:                                         3rd year

Connection to school:                           Parent of 2 attending children


I bring skills in strategy across the Finance and Insurance sector. As a parent of 2 currently attending children at SHPS and a member of the Secret Harbour community for the past 13 years, I am heavily invested in the future and future leaders of this community.


Name:                                                          Lisa Fletcher

Membership Category:                         School Principal


I began my teaching career in 1990, spending 15 years teaching in the Pilbara and loving the Pilbara life.  During this time both my personal and professional life progressed, securing leadership positions such as ILSS (Indigenous Language Speaking Students) Leader and Deputy Principal.  I returned to Perth in 2004 with my partner and two small children.  Being appointed to Secret Harbour PS I thought ‘all my prayers have been answered’ which goes some way in explaining why I have stayed here for almost 20 years!  Secret Harbour Primary School is a school of innovation, continually seeking to improve and support ALL students in their social, emotional and learning needs.  School staff are the epitome of this continual strive to improve.  There is a good mix of long standing staff (many who have been here longer than me/20 years) and newer staff and graduates, who all live the school motto ‘Leads the Way’.

My passions are ‘all things learning’, with particular interest and focus in; English/literacy, goal setting, social and emotional learning.  The passions that  other staff have in various areas, enables us to offer well-rounded curriculum and other opportunities for students.

Over the past few years I have had a focus on ‘student voice’ and creating environments and opportunities for students to share their views and have their voices heard.


Name:                                                          Judy Snow

Membership Category:                         School Representative

Experience:                                              Teacher/Associate Principal

Connection to school:                           Parent of year 3 child


I have lived in Rockingham my whole life and remember coming to Secret Harbour through the bush tracks to the beach as a kid! I have been a staff member at Secret Harbour Primary School for over 20 years. I love the opportunities, care and support that our students are provided with and this is the reason I brought my own kids to Secret Harbour Primary. My older boys went from kindy to year 6 with wonderful teachers and the chance to participate in a range of the extra curricula activities on offer both academic and sporting.

My daughter is in year 3 and loving school life! Being a member of the school board is another way for me to give back to the school community.



Name:                                                     Sahera Webb

Membership Type:                            Parent Member

Experience:                                          Local Business Owner

Connection with School:                Children in Year 5


Our family loves Secret Harbour, having been a member of the community for over 14 years. 

With one daughter graduating SHPS last year and another currently in year 5, I am passionate about giving children the opportunity to shine and bring out their personal best.  Building strong relationships with the wonderful staff and parents for over 8 years, I felt a need to give back to the school where I could, this being my 3rd year as a parent member of the School Board.  I look forward to the future of SHPS and supporting the students.


Name:                                                     Kylie Gardiner

Membership Type:                            Parent Member

Experience:                                          Marketing and Communications

Connection with School:                Children in Year 3 and PP


I am currently employed within the Education Department and studying for my Masters in Teaching. Before this, I worked in the media industry for companies including Seven West Media, Australian Consolidated Press and Fairfax Regional Network. I have a wealth of knowledge in marketing and communications and understand the importance of establishing meaningful connections within a school community.

A child’s school years are the most valuable and imperative times in their growth and development. I believe that a strong and committed school board supports the school in delivering the very best for our children, this is the reason why I chose to nominate as a school board member for Secret Harbour Primary School. I am excited to see what the future brings for our students and our school.



Name:                                                     Amy Stewart

Membership Type:                            Parent Member

Experience:                                          Teacher

Connection with School:                Two children attending SHPS


As a mother to two sons at Secret Harbour Primary School and as a teacher with a background in inclusive education and school leadership, I am delighted to be involved as a parent member of the School Board. With my career background and personal experience as a parent, I bring the understanding and skills to help maximise the learning opportunities for our children. I am passionate about supporting all students to achieve their personal best in their school journey and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to our school community as a board member. 


Name:                                                    Robert Schmidt

Membership Type:                          Community Member

Experience:                                         Councillor and Education

Connection with School:                Community


I am Robert Schmidt, a Community Member of the Secret Harbour Primary School Board

I joined the board in 2022. I am one of your Elected Councillor for the Comet Bay Ward of the City of Rockingham and I work in Education at a local High School. I’m a strong believer in education as it is the foundation of life, because education is were it all starts the fruits of that learning gives young people opportunities we could only dream of.

I look forward to seeing the success of Secret Harbour Primary School and its student over the coming years, and I look forward to seeing you all around.



Name:                                                    Lisa Whittell

Membership:                                      Parent Representative

Experience:                                         Teacher for 22 years.

Connection to school:                    Parent of two attending children.


I have been a teacher for 22 years and bring that experience and understanding to the board. I taught for 16 years in the UK and then have been a teacher in WA for the last 6 years. I am a passionate advocate for all children and their journey through school, with an understanding of how different that may be as each child is an individual. I am a parent of two children currently attending the school and want to help the whole school to be the best it can be. We love Secret Harbour and all it has to offer!


Name:                                              Rebecca McLennan

Membership:                               School Representative

Experience:                                  Teacher/Community Sport Administration

Connection to school:             Staff member since 2005


I am proud to be part of Secret Harbour Primary School. It is a fantastic school within a vibrant, creative and healthy community. My passion for education stems from the belief that it is life-changing, and I am committed to helping our students and their families thrive and shine.

My teaching career has been complemented by over a decade of volunteer work in community sports leadership roles, equipping me with skills that are beneficial to both the board and the school community. Through my involvement in community sport, I have learned the importance of connection and communication and I wish to use that understanding to enhance and showcase our school.

As a board member, I am excited to work alongside like-minded individuals to further our shared vision. Go Secret Harbour!