Browsing through our website will give you a general overview of the nature and operation of Secret Harbour Primary School.
Further information is distributed through the School Newsletter and at our regular Parents and Citizens meetings.
Secret Harbour Primary School began operating in 1997 and was Australia’s first School in a Shopping Centre. Although the school looked like shops from the road it operated like a normal school. This was a short term arrangement in order to provide education in the local area some years before a purpose built school would be available. Our permanent school was constructed and occupied for the 2002 school year.
Staff work together to make the school a happy place where children enjoy learning. Our drive is that students develop socially and academically to the best of their ability in a happy atmosphere of co-operation with staff and other children.
We are fortunate to have a dedicated staff and we will do the best for your children but we need your support. Please feel free to come to the school to discuss your children’s progress, assist the teachers in the classroom help with reading, the covering of books or any of our other activities. For prolonged meetings with teachers please make an appointment.
Your children appreciate your involvement with the school and their learning is enhanced when they see that you consider it important enough to take an active interest. Community members and prospective parents are welcome to visit the school, just let us know and we will take the time to show you our facilities and tell you about our programmes. We appreciate your view and suggestions and by sharing and caring we can make Secret Harbour a school of excellence.
Our staff are looking forward to a fruitful and stimulating time working with your children.