All Parents and Citizens Associations are established under the School Education Act 1999 for the purpose of supporting a strong government school system for the benefit of all students.
Our Parents and Citizens Association was formed in 1996 and continues to be an active and integral part of Secret Harbour Primary School.
The Secret Harbour Parents and Citizens Association consists of parents and guardians of children attending the school and other interested persons over the age of 18 who have paid an annual subscription. The principal of the school is an ex-official member.
The functions of the Secret Harbour P&C are to:
• Encourage parents to participate developing the school’s educational policy.
• Develop parent participation and involvement in the school.
• Be the forum for parents to discuss ideas pertaining to the school community and gathering opinions.
• Promote and support communication and cooperation within the school community and to bring educational matters to the attention of the wider community.
• Provide extra amenities for the benefit of school students.
Some Key Achievements of our P&C are:
- The installation of senior playground
- Shade for playgrounds
- Support of the ‘story dogs program’
- Contribution to fan in assembly area