Comet Bay Professional Learning Community (CBPLC) is a strategic school improvement initiative between Secret Harbour Primary School, Comet Bay College, Golden Bay Primary School and Comet Bay Primary School.

The schools work together as a professional learning community with the overarching goal being to enhance our effectiveness as educators so that all of our students, from kindy to year 12, benefit. Higher order thinking strategies as a joint focus support the whole community of students to develop future focused skills leading to post school pathways.

CBPLC is committed to the ongoing sharing of resources and expertise across all areas of schooling; including STEM, transition, early childhood education and leadership.

The three big ideas that drive the work of the Comet Bay Professional Learning Community:

  1.   A Focus on Learning – the purpose of our CBPLC schools is to ensure all students learn at high levels. We accept learning as the fundamental purpose of our school and therefore are willing to examine all practices in light of their impact on learning.
  2.   A Focus on Collaboration – helping students learn requires a collaborative and collective effort. We are committed to working together to achieve our collective purpose. We cultivate a collaborative culture through development of high-performing teams.  We work together interdependently to achieve common goals that are directly related to improved student learning. We are mutually accountable for achieving those goals and teams are provided with the time, resources and support essential to their effectiveness.
  3.   A Focus on Results – to assess the effectiveness in helping all students learn we must focus on results (evidence of student learning), and use results to inform and improve our professional practice, and respond to students who need intervention or enrichment. We assess our effectiveness on the basis of results rather than intentions. Individuals, teams, and the schools, seek relevant evidence and information and use that information to promote continuous improvement across the CBPLC.

Click on the link below to see the CBPLC Business Plan for 2020-2021

Business Plan Link