Secret Harbour Primary School is a local intake school. We have a school intake boundary and students who live within the boundary and are in years Pre Primary to Year 6 can attend our school. To enrol into Secret Harbour Primary School you will need to provide:
- Your child’s birth certificate
- Immunisation statement from Medicare
- Proof of address within our school boundary (3 pieces of evidence are required showing parent name and address such as; phone bill, power bill, house settlement paperwork, lease agreement, vehicle registration, shire rates notice)
Out of boundary applications can be submitted but can only be considered if space is available within the year required and this is at the Principals discretion.
Kindy and Pre Primary student’s numbers are limited as this is a smaller, fenced off area of the school. Enrolments for Kindy and PP are taken during the previous year. If Kindy students move into the area during the school year they can be enrolled if a place is available otherwise they can go onto a waiting list for when a student leaves. Alternatively we can help you find a Kindy place at a nearby school.
Please click on the link below to the schools online website to enter your address to check if your property is within our school boundary.
Schools Online Catchment area information