In 2020 Secret Harbour Primary School became a PBS school. This means as a whole school we have adopted Positive Behaviour values in each area of the school. Please scroll down the page to see some fantastic videos that our students have been making about our school.

As part of this process our staff attended Professional Development and worked together with the students and parents to create a list of values. These values are:

S       We are Safe

P        We Persevere

A        We Are Responsible

R       We show Respect

K       We are Kind

The acronym for our values is ‘SPARK’.

As part of the PBS the students are rewarded for showing these values every day at school and can receive a SPARK award. These awards are put into collection bins in the office according to the award. At assembly there is a draw where a SPARK award recipient will be drawn out and will receive a prize.

The students can also receive a white token as an award which they can be placed in a faction tube by the sports office. The first faction with the  tokens that reach the black line in the tube win a reward.

Our Students PBS Videos 2023

Please click on the links below to see the fantastic videos that our students have been making as part of our ‘Positive Behaviour School’.



